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Connectivity services coming.

Science + Art were always meant to be together.

Get started quickly

Getting started

With respect to the past, Kontekto looks ahead by first gathering actively creative community builders, small businesses, educators, innovators, researchers in art and culture, science, tech, math, engineering. These fields have intersecting cognitive and practical skills. Coming together free-will without a known outcome may sound like a risk or waste of time to some, but the practice of exchange itself is already a step toward practicing a relationship with the unknown. Therefore creative energy is already exchanged, contacts, ideas, resources, and support are shared. People find out we have as much in common as we also differ, and through these brief meetings we organically grow.

Simple and easy to use

Send your email through the sign-up link or direct to to join the Weekly Zoom Kontekto Living Art Portal, to share and connect with professionals. Portals are always shifting shapes through space-time, and so will this website.

Simple and easy to use

Making more from less.

Working with what's essential.

  • Product feature

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  • Product feature

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  • Product feature

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  • Product feature

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  • Product feature

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  • Product feature

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Creative X STEM to Co-Create

Getting online with to get offline, to create action in shared goals with skill sharing.